Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Song #9 - Blue Christmas

Classic Version: Coming in at #9 is another favorite of mine, Blue Christmas. Written in 1948 by Jay Johnson and Billy Hayes, Blue Christmas had bouts of minor success before being secured as a Christmas Classic by Elvis in 1957.

An interesting tidbit: the background vocals, sung by The Jordanaires, consist largely of blue notes. I put this here with the intention of explaining it further, but I'm realizing I have no idea what I'm talking about. If you've ever studied music theory, please comment below. Anyway, here's the song!

Elvis Presley

Modern Version: Unlike the situation in Song #8, I have a plethora of cool Blue Christmas covers to choose from. My favorite thus far is by the band, She & Him. Their Christmas album is pretty interesting all around, but I think Zoey Deschanel's voice is best suited to this song. Check it out:

Zoey Deschanel

I was digging around through YouTube when I stumbled on this cover by Isaac Kenneth. It's only got 1,500 views, but I think it's a great cover. He's got a good voice and the simple acoustic guitar works perfectly with this song.

Isaac Kenneth

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