Monday, December 7, 2015

Day #6 - The Hanukkah Special

Some of you might be wondering "why does this Jewish kid have such a refined palate for Christmas music?" The answer, you'll see, is a multifaceted one. For starters, my family has always celebrated Hanukkah and Christmas (and Easter and Passover. If we had a Latin family motto it would likely translate to: "Celebrate ALL the holidays"). As you can see, my appreciation for the holiday season was fostered from a young age.

Secondly, a lot of the music we associate with Christmas is really... non-denominational. Sleigh Ride is thought to actually have been about Thanksgiving. Winter Wonderland never makes mention of Christmas. You get the idea. Which brings me to my third, and most interesting point.

Roughly half of the top 25 Christmas songs were written by Jewish composers! Take a look:

How cool is that! If you're Jewish and trying to defend your love for holiday music, please direct your haters here. Okay onto the music...

Hanukkah Hits: Now I couldn't, in good conscience, make this post without linking to Adam Sandler's, The Hanukkah Song. If somehow you haven't heard it by now, remedy that quickly, and come right back. It'd be a waste, however, if i didn't take this time to introduce some different/new/unique songs.

First, I recommend Matisyahu's Miracle. This song is a JAM. I can't recommend it enough.


This next one is a tad unconventional, but you've got to check out this band. Allow me to introduce Meshugga Beach Party.

Meshugga Beach Party

Finally we have the Jewish A Cappella group, Six13. The song I've chosen is a parody, but I have a feeling a lot of my readers (all 6 of you) will get a kick out of it.

Six13 (A Cappella)

Vote below for your favorite! Happy Hanukkah!

Vote for your favorite!


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