Friday, December 4, 2015

Song #4 - Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

Classic Version: Song #4 is a favorite of mine, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. This is yet another case were the original is definitely the version you're most familiar with. What a lot of people might not know is that Brenda Lee, the original singer, was only 13 when she recorded it in 1958! And for those of you who were worried, yes, this song was also featured in the Home Alone series.

Brenda Lee

Modern Version: There's a good number of covers out there, but, as we're learning, a lot of them are bad. And in this case, a lot of them are weird. I'm going to spare you the Rosie O'Donnell recording, and we won't speak of the John Travolta track. I know I'm going to meet some resistance, but I think one of the best is by Rhonda Vincent (a bluegrass musician for those unfamiliar). Brenda Lee herself went on to sing country music, so it seems somewhat fitting. 

Rhonda Vincent

Sticking with our theme of contentious genres, let's throw some 'a cappella' in the mix. Whether you like it or loathe it, there's no denying that a cappella has a place in the world of holiday music (Exhibit A: Christmas Caroling). This recording from Straight No Chaser, for example, is worth a listen. 

Straight No Chaser

Is Rhonda Vincent your new favorite artist? Would Straight No Chaser sound better with instruments (yes.) Let us know! Vote for your favorite or comment below with another artist!

Which was your favorite?


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