Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Song #14 - Please Come Home For Christmas

Classic Version: Sometimes I find myself complaining that modern covers are just boring rip-offs of the original. That, however, is not the case with Please Come Home For Christmas. The original, written and sung by Charles Brown, is so good that altering it much would be a disservice. Give it a listen:

Charles Brown

Before we hit the really modern covers, I have to include The Eagles' rendition. It's a great tribute to the original and is likely the one you're most familiar with.

The Eagles

Modern Version: As evidence by The Eagles, this song works really well with a 'rock' sound. It is no surprise, then, that Grace Potter & The Nocturnals crushed it. Grace's voice is soulful and compliments the sense of longing conveyed by the lyrics. 

Grace Potter & The Nocturnals

I think that just about covers it. (Sorry, had to.) 

I know they're similar, but did you find a favorite? Got a different one you want me to check out? Vote and comment below!

Which was your favorite?


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