Sunday, December 6, 2015

Song #5 - Winter Wonderland

Classic Version: Written in 1934 by Richard B. Smith and Felix Bernard, Winter Wonderland has been covered by all the greats: Bing Crosby, Perry Como, Dean Martin, Louis Armstrong, etc. From my short research, the Johnny Mathis version is the song that gets the most radio airplay. While you can't go wrong with any of the aforementioned, I took a strong liking to Frank Sinatra's recording. Check it out:

Frank Sinatra

Before we go on, I want to take a minute to discuss the lyrics. I hope I wasn't the only one wondering why you would describe as snowman as "Parse" and "Brown." If the snow you used to make the snowman was brown, you've got a serious problem on your hands (literally). And I'll let my computer science friends make their own joke about parse. 

AS IT TURNS OUT, they're calling the snowman, "Parson Brown." At the time, protestant ministers were referred to as Parsons. So they've created the fictitious minister, Parson Brown, and tasked him with officiating their wedding ("but you can do the job while your in town!"). That makes so much more sense.

Modern Version: According to Wikipedia, this one has been covered by over 200 artists! After much deliberation, I've decided to go with two very modern renditions. I really liked the "big band" feel of this duet featuring Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga. 

Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga

Finally, I hope you'll appreciate the unique approach taken by Jason Mraz in his acoustic rendition. I like everything about it except his weird backup vocal/echo. Give it a listen:

Jason Mraz

Were you as confused as I was about the lyrics? Love the Lady Gaga/Tony Bennett duets? Vote and comment below!

Vote for your favorite!



  1. I'm partial to the Eurythmics version, honestly. But I do love the classic ones you listed as well.
