Thursday, December 1, 2016

And We're Back!

Hello and welcome back to the Christmas Music Countdown!

To my avid and dedicated followers -- all seven of you -- I have to apologize for dropping the ball last Christmas. We only made it to Song #15! I've spent the last few weeks trying to decide how I should approach the rebirth of this blog. Do I start over? Do I shamelessly re-post content and hope no one notices? Do I delete the blog and move to Alberta? Anyway, I hope you'll find my final decision agreeable. 

Here's the plan:

Step 1. Continue the current countdown. We'll pick up at Song #16 and make it all the way to #25. 

Step 2. Publish a Spotify playlist with the best of the best, so you can listen to The Best Christmas Album of All Time.

Step 3. Finish out the season with some fun Christmas music related content. We'll review a few new albums, complain about Amy Grant, etc.

Step 4. Profit. Just kidding, no one is buying ad space on a Christmas blog.

Now get ready..."Christmas is here" (Carol of the Bells).

Carol of the Bells (Trans-Siberian Orchestra)

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