Saturday, November 18, 2017

And We're Back...Again!

Welcome back to the Christmas Music Countdown.

At this point you might be thinking "he really doesn't give up does he." No, no I do not. If this blog was about any other genre of music, I might feel bad about popping back up once a year to annoy my friends, but this is Christmas music. You can dread it all you want, but the music, and my blog, will be back every year (and earlier and earlier in November if I can help it).

Last year we made it to Day #19 of the countdown leaving us with just 6 days to finish. The plan this year is roughly the same, with a few major goals:

  1. Introduce what's new in Christmas music for 2017
  2. Finish the Countdown
  3. Put together a few Spotify Playlists

What happens if we finish the countdown? Ask me in 2027. For now, hop in and get ready to sample all that Christmas music has to offer.

Jesse C.

P.S. This has been my apartment since Nov 2nd (vertical video apologies).

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